
Wrong game result

Black lost the game on time, but whatever black plays he will win the position, there is not way the game could end in draw ... is this fair? What's the fide rules on such positions?
I believe it says that if White "has the material to checkmate" Black, no matter the position, then it's a win. But I may be wrong, it could also be a "series of legal moves to checkmate", but then, it's unclear how this would be determined.

Anyway in this position Black can run out of time or even resign, so I guess it's technically a win for White.
(Also maybe the Lichess algorythm is doing some weird things as there are too much pawns on the board, I don't know)
#1 This is a known issue: there is an entire class of positions where it is too difficult to determine whether a sequence of moves to checkmate exists.
You can also have a position where only one legal move exists and that is checkmate.

#6 Serves White right for underpromoting and teasing their opponent.

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