
pro-bono Tutoring

Can anyone (at >1750 rating) tutor/mentor me? I'd like to improve my skills, but I'm stuck at about 1750 puzzle rating and 1500 classical rating.
How can you say that you're stuck at 1500 classical rating ? You didn't play a single game against a "real" person. Playing against computer is not the same !
I looked through your games - you seem to play only casual correspondence games against the stockfish AI. To improve you need to play *rated* games against *human* opponents, *without* takebacks, and without other tabs open in the background. Around 20mins would be a good time period. Don't instantaneously move, use up almost all of your time thinking *hard*. Play a couple of games and get back to me.
Play against real people in rated games in time controls long enough to give you enough time to think, then use the computer to analyze and show you your blunders/mistakes and better moves afterwards. Spend a few minutes going over every game. I'm guessing you're avoiding rated games in order to preserve your rating: that is totally the wrong attitude. In order to improve, you need to lose A LOT of games. I've lost many thousands of games just to get to where I am, which isn't even master level. You don't get better by winning. You get better by losing and learning from it.
Hi, I don't know you and you don't know me. You need improve your chess skills but I search person, who will be talk with me on Skype to improve my English. My chess ranking about 2000. We can play and analyze position. It's deal for you?

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