
Chess inferiority.

Both games are way too hard for human to perfect. What's the big deal?
I prefer playing Tiddlywinks!
I even manage to beat my 3 year old opponent now and then! 😏
Complexity of games matters very little when we're talking about hundreds of millions of potential moves. In one of the first chess books I read, Yasser Seirawan proudly proclaimed that it is likely there are more possible moves before move twenty in a chess game than there are atoms in the universe- and keep in mind that the latter number is estimated to be greater than 10^80, or 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000! I don't know if that claim is true, but either way, practically speaking, it matters very little to me. Chess is an incredibly difficult game to master that I enjoy and that I see beauty in. I also see beauty in go and would enjoy it if I learned it better, though it has even more complications. From the perspective of any human, or even computer, though, both are inordinately difficult and so far away from solving that there's no difference at all, in terms of practical play now, and for possibly the next few hundred years.
I play go. I love go. But I still enjoy chess as well. Until I've become a grandmaster at chess (and at go), I don't feel like I have any business judging or comparing. Besides, one of the things that chess has going for it is the fabulous antique or original chess boards that you can own. There's nothing like that available for go.
The professionl Go and Shogi players say the complexity and depth is so much that they don't really know what's going on half the time and rely on intuition and pattern recognition. In that sense they are like surfers riding waves of uncertainties. In chess though less on the complexity scale and more concrete in terms of winning ideas and strategies actually makes it harder to win and show dominance. A weak player at Go or Shogi might as well be throwing dice to pick moves at random because the learning curve is long and shallow and will perform just as well while a beginner in Chess will not get anywhere fast as the learning curve is very steep but once they make in-roads and learn patterns they'll be able to compete with their peers and betters.
I agree playing with elegant Chess Figurine can't compare to playing with Round Chips (Caps) of the other games.
So why are you wasting time on the simple chess site, when you could be playing the complex Go? or Shogi? Is it some kind of superiority complex to think your game is deeper and more challenging? When I have mastered chess, I may turn to Go. I have a set with cute little black and white stones, but in 50 years I have not found anyone with whom to play.

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