
why this is a draw?

@MightySorceror614 No, it's not the reason. No matter how obvious the next move seems to be, when your flag falls it DOES NOT MATTER. At all. All that matters is if the side with time on the clock could give mate by any possible combination of moves. If it was Black who ran out of time, White would WIN. It doesn't matter that had the game continued, Black could take the pawn.
Let me get this straight. White timed out, so white can't win? So look at black, Black can't win (no matter how much white helps) so it's a draw?
@MightySorceror614 Oh sorry, confused you with #7. I downvoted your answer because you're wrong, just as I explained earlier and as #12 explains above. The game's result does not depend on speculations of what each player would probably do. It depends only on what they can do.
@JunoCunerino Correct. Look at it this way: If the side with time on the clock got to make all moves for both sides from that position forward with unlimited time, making the best moves for himself and the worst for his opponent, could he give checkmate in any way? If so, he wins. If not, it's a draw.
@MightySorceror614 Nope. White ran out of time, so the question is would black be able to checkmate white.

It would be a draw even if White had 6 queens, 199 rooks, and 3,500 bishops.
but if they had had those peices, the game would be over already, and if white had even 1 rook or queen it would not be a draw, because with as fast as those dudes move there's no way they'd miss that.

From the FIDE Laws of Chess:

"6.9 Except where one of Articles 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3 applies, if a player does not complete the prescribed number of moves in the allotted time, the game is lost by that player. However, the game is drawn if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves."

(The citations from Article 5 refer to standard game endings; checkmate, stalemate, agreed draw, etc.)

As I stated, if it was Black who got flagged in that position, it would have been a win for White, despite the fact that Black could immediately take the pawn his next move.

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