
Why politics on Lichess?

Don't copy/paste other ppl's stuff....put your i-pad down and try thinking for yourself.
The question is not whether ants have a better social conscience than we do.

The question is why we are acting much worse than we have the ability to (because unlike ants, we have science and logic and that stuff .... that we keep throwing out of the window again and again).
"Don't we already know, how all of this will end ?" Yes, we know it. CO2 will destroy the galaxis.
“The question is why we are acting much worse than we have the ability to (because unlike ants, we have science and logic and that stuff .... that we keep throwing out of the window again and again).“

Maybe your assumption that we have such an ability is wrong. Maybe humans are simply acting out instinctively and choice is an illusion. Or maybe choice is an individual thing, and the way you talk about it as if humanity makes one big collective choice about anything is flawed.

What is the proof that humans have this superpower to control their own nature that other animals do not? How do we know we are actually self-aware? Maybe our image of ourselves is completely wrong, there is no objective description of humans against which to test it.
"What is the proof that humans have this superpower to control their own nature that other animals do not? How do we know we are actually self-aware? Maybe our image of ourselves is completely wrong, there is no objective description of humans against which to test it."

@Chuck_Fess , post 522, you discovered that all this noise about science was a joke. From the start, it's a political question ; the rest is full of wind.

Science = knowledge, theory, prevision, problem resolution
Politic = action related, what you have to, or not have to do

It's pure ideology from the very beginning.

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