
Endgame strategy

27) king takes h6 and what then?
I dont see explanation of the moves...I cant find them over the board if i dont understand them also has good endgame courses
You need to pay to learn more than 1 lesson per day
But you can do that for free on sundays
To be basic about endgames you should think about 2 elements the most:
Your opponents king activity and scope and the activity and scope of your own king...
Creating passed pawns/guiding passed pawns...also of course your opponents passed pawns...

Use these two elements as part of your endgame strategy and you will be a far better endgame player

The endgame is not like the middlegame which is full of aggression and attacking although people bring that kind of attitude into the endgame with bad results, the endgame you must use pure logic and holds a certain beauty of its own.
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Smyslov in his later years after screwing up a rook ending: "I wrote a book about this, but I forgot what I wrote"

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