
Do you prefer to play as black or as white?

I prefer to play as white because a lot of times I get to play the Kings Gambit which is very sharp. I don't yet have a favourite opening as black. Whats yours?
I prefer white, but I don't have a problem playing either color.
Yeah I pulled some really nice wins as black but I am yet to find my style.
whatever the FIDE finds righteous is what i prefer to play personally speaking.
black cuz i like winning after giving the first move to my opponent!
That’s question is designed for noobs. Serious players have to like both, otherwise: wrong hobby/job.
That's not true. He asked for what side you like more, not if you like both. You can like white more but still enjoy playing both colors.
I agree. You have to like both. I preferred White before when I believed 1.e4 is the key to the question of what is the best first move for White (we will never know). I had a theory, crazy one (We have White pieces, so why not pushing the pawn which is on light square to another light square,to control another light square in the key 4 squares? I believed 1...c5 and 1...e5 were the only moves that are "not losing" for Black and that any other replies should lose by force and will in the far future. I also heard that masters of the past believed that 1.e4 e5 is the only way to start a chess game. Man, I was so into that stuff that I suffered fast loses, because I was playing crazy moves to refute other replies by Black. Now I play 1.e4 1.d4 and 1.Nf3. You have to be well rounded player if you want to improve, get familiar with more positions,openings,ideas and pawn structures. From a practical point of view 1.Nf3 could be the best move for White, however objectively speaking it's 1.e4 and 1.d4.
I missed the point somewhat but, the player who prefer White more than Black will work more on openings for White and neglect the other side.
C4 is generally agreed to be equivalent to 1.e4, 1.d4, and 1.NF3

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