
Can someone post their games that was played on lichess against stockfish9?

can anyone post the games that a human player **draw or won** against stockfish9 [level 8]***played on lichess***(not imported games), in tournament time controls ?

Here is a draw of mine I just did. I needed some take backs (to find e4) in the king and pawn endgame because the engine is super strong at endgames but otherwise a clean draw.
@lurarose nice game i like the fact that both sides have the same problems of the runaway pawns... i usually play a closed french or winawer may need to look harder at the exchange now
@Darksouls Exchange French is how I play to avoid counter aggression. It's how to minimize winning chances for black. It's a very different opening from other French openings and avoids a lot of French theory. It also reduces your winning chances as white. It's very drawish. It really frustrates a lot of French players.

@Breaking-Limits Your welcome

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