
Continue the story: Cats have taken over Lichess!

Enter my cat Margarita in a (-,+,-,+) signature metric space.
The opposite walls of a rectangular room can touch each other faces if they wish, leaving no empty space between.
Margarita is silent... She comes and goes, no-one knows what this cat knows.
Queen Maeve smiled for cats ruled over the world as intended and appointed Margarita the Chiefess of the Solar System.
wait...but we'd all be dead by then... the sun exploded trillions of years ago...
With evil canines defeated forever, Queen Maeve recreated Thibault as a male Maine Coon and Toadofsky as a male Siberian cat who recreated Lichess.
But she forgot about one very brave and heroic canine: Dog-person. He realized that cats still had power and headed to Queen Maeve's headquarters with a cup of water and a taser.
screamed dog-person, who went to Beit Chatulim, the Palace of Queen Maeve and was surrounded by astonished cat guards with much more advanced weapons near Hurairah Gate, 2 miles away from the building where Queen Maeve's office in the palace is located, the Hauptkatzenhaus.
the estupidissimo canin read from a piece of papier- maché in the shape of a weathered hauptkatzenhausenschnautzenkirschenschmetterlingensaufenbrödl.
Forced to kneel before Queen Maeve, dog-person begged for mercy but was shown none for he got vaporized by the Queen herself with a Mupura-13.

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