
bishob stronger than rook

Good example.

«The sacrifice for active bishops is difficult to study in a systematic manner. However, a pair of active bishops is frequently adequate compensation for a pawn or even the exchange - in a middlegame position»
2 bishops + rook > 2 rooks + bishop

Few quips on this matter:

«Adding the better cooperation of the rook with the bishops, many Soviet theoreticians believed that, in active positions, rook and two bishops outperform two rooks and a knight»

«The bishop pair is also very capable of compensating for a material deficit; it is, e.g., well-known that in open positions the bishop pair combined with a rook is stronger than the combination of two rooks and a knight. The superiority of the two bishops can also be seen in the struggle against other minor pieces, that is to say against a bishop and a knight or against two knights»

«Many of the Classicists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century claimed that two bishops versus rook and knight were equivalent. I don’t believe that this is the case, i.e., I think the extra material will usually win out, but this view continues to influence chess thinking to some extent even today»
Rowson calls the pair of bishops the „Hermaphrodite“. It is by far stronger than two times one Bishop.
I honour and respect the quotes of the much better players above, but is the present game not simply an example of white overlooking a #4 checkmate at the end of a series of three significant mistakes?
1) 28. g3 fails to strengthen the critical c-file
2) 30. h3 fails to defend the a1-h8-diagonal
3) 31. g4 fails to unblock the rook as a last resort to block checkmate.
In other words: before move 28, the situation in terms of material is identical (2B+R v B+2R) but white is rated +4 by stockfish after 28. Rc1 and I would argue this rating to be precise i.e. won position for white, thereby relativating #3.

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