
Feedback appreciated

Clearly it all fell apart in the end but some advice would be grand. Was i even moving in the right direction?
You were doing all right until the endgame.
with 39...Rxf1+? you ceded the open f-file.
with 40...Qxe6? you allowed him two connected passed pawns.
5. Bd3 was a strategic error. Your central pawns are on dark squares and his central pawns are on light squares. Therefore, you do not want a light squared bishop exchange, because your light squared bishop is better than his.
You had everything going for ya. I think the biggest mistake was f6, voluntarily opening up the position around your king. Played earlier before all his pawns were advanced though, this could've been useful. Your play should revolve around your control of the a file and attacking the b2 pawn. Or even better, not playing b3 yourself because you don't have a lot of time to create counterplay with your king at risk. Instead taking on c3 would have been my suggestion, then playing with the open bfile and weak pawns there.
Hmm, interesting. The opening was a success for you, you exchanged the right bishops and are making moves on the queenside. White correctly fights for the kingside, and achieves something there. I agree with above that b3 wasnt the best idea; a3 (attacking b2) seems somewhat more logical, hitting the 'base' of the pawn-chain.

The resulting BvN (with heavy pieces) after b3 isn't that clear to me imo. Sure, b2 is weak, but attacking it is a problem. Whereas white has a clear plan to attack on the kingside. I disagree with above in that f6 was the biggest mistake. Haven't checked anything with an engine, and f6 is probably losing, but it seems that you just dont have anything productive in the position. White is just slowly building up. To be fair to him, he played that pretty well. I guess the misjudgement you made was the resulting position after your b3. There isn't really a good way forward there. I would probably try to exchange some heavy pieces there; as a BvN ending without the heavy pieces in this structure should favour you massively (as you can attack all the weak pawns). So, yeah, a) break with a3 instead of b3 and b) after b3, try to go something like Ra8-a6-Qa7 and Ra1 as quickly as possible.

Idk; this is what I could come up with. Cheers buddy, keep it up

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