

I suggest you all don't waste your time. He/she is obviously trolling. Either that or they are really REALLY dumb.
@Epic_Doggo I don't think it's as malicious as trolling. We should be concerned though because they won't excuse themselves from the online chess world or learn anything until they come out of the closet and admit what they did and why it was wrong.
everyone: YOU CHEATED @Bigbossbillg

me overhere: MOM!!! I NeEd MoRe PoPcOrn AsAp

btw @Bigbossbillg no need to argue, it is pretty obvious you cheated, yeah yeah is better, then you gonna be running away from banned in a few days, good luck finding a website to cheat on "Boss"
Its just that they have been opening multiple threads in order to justify their actions. Some people just want attention, may it be positive or negative. Im pretty sure that they know what they have done is wrong, and hopefully, they dont do it again.

A lot of these people have been popping up, like @YouGetNoRest, @Bigbossbillg, @AnthonyRBrown, etc.. who just anger people with their stupidity.
@Bigbossbillg I saw a few of your games right before you got flagged. Many of them had 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes, and 0 blunders, and as an 1800, that's quite odd.

If you did cheat, just be honest and start a new account.
#epic_Doggo, you mean trolling like fishing then, yes, there is a term for that called forum shopping. He is embarrassed because he knows that cheating has a stigma and doesn't look good, but what's important is to cover WHY It doesn't look good and it's just not good to do

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