
Diavola Rising!

Hi all, my name is Diavola Vinegar, i'm a 24 year old woman from the south shore of Long Island, NY. I discovered chess watching my significant other view chess content on youtube and kind of watching it with him. It was our very own @hpy and his "hanging pawns" youtube channel actually. I was not yet really a chess player in that I didn't know how to move the pieces or any of that, so I couldn't get into the "Game" as it was going on the screen but what I could understand, was this sweaty Croatian guy stressing out over what was presumably a very wild chess game. He set up a board in a crowded and noisy sports bar to "Mimic distracting tournament conditions" and made moves on a real board as he played them over the phone and everyone thought he was crazy, because he was "Playing chess by himself" and getting stressed about it. Really made an impression on me, I thought it was the coolest thing, fast forward I made my boyfriend teach me the rules of chess and here I am, playing with all of you now!

I can definitely say I am hooked on chess and hopefully I will crush you all!

I guess that the next thread which you will open on Lichess will have the name : "Diavola falling".

Or maybe Lichess will open this thread for you ?

P.S. Edited 2 hours after my original posting

Maybe "Diavola" is the name of an empire, like the Roman Empire ?

Then I could maybe write another chess short story?

Working title : "The quick rise and fall of a chess empire !"

The new chess emperor of "Diavola" came, saw and won 60 battles in a row with the help of his engineeres.

But then all of his 0 followers left him and his winning streak ended quickly.

The walls of his newly erected "Rating City" fell apart.

Only trolls live nowadays in the ruins of "Diavola".

End of story

Damn, now I have already written the story accidentally.

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