
Berserking is "poor sportsmanship?"

I just played a tourney where I berserked 47% of my games. I'm only a 1400, but I love berserking when I'm in the mood and it's one of the funnest things about lichess, in my view.

I didn't end up winning the tournament, but I was leading for a while (it was a U1700). At the end a player said in chat, "I'm just glad cheapthought didn't win the tournament. Berserking is just poor sportsmanship and disrespectful to one's opponent."

Is this _ever_ the view of the mods here that it's bad behavior to berserk?!
That player is probably just salty because he gets beat by berzerkers lol. There is nothing wrong with berzerking. If somebody is unable to beat their opponent who has half their time cut that's on them for being too slow/bad.
I must agree that berserking is disrespectful to one's opponent.
Going Berserk is not in the slightest poor sportsmanship nor is it disrespectful.

That being said it's a dumb idea to berserk unless you are stronger than your opponent, or need the extra points. It's a big disadvantage.
Why would it be disrespectful?
I always like when my opponent beserks because I know I have a better shot at winning.

If I end up winning, nice I won.
If not, props to him for winning with so much less time.

There's nothing wrong with that, would be silly if it was considered disrespectful, in that case it would just be removed. It's simply another layer of strategy for winning a tournament, your choice if you want to try utilize it or not.
I was talking about this some weeks ago. I think the best solution is to have berseck tournament and non-berseck tournament. You will be free so choice that one you prefer.
I think people berserking are just looking to have fun and better chances at tourneys. I don't know anyone doing this for the sake of "humiliation"
Who cares if you get berserked on and lose? Some people just want the points. If everyone else is berserking and winning, the only way to catch them is to berserking and winning as well.

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