
How to be 2000 easily?

@truvasatranc Lichess isn't the one that needs methods to reach 2000 , You might need to learn some methods @truvasatranc A method is like plastic it can mould itself to the situation' Emanuel Lasker Former World Chess Champion
What me most impressed was the chess games of Bobby Fischer. I did read some chess books, since the 1980ies eg "Meine 64 denkwuerdigen Partien" 60 memorabIe games of chess by Bobby Fischer, or substanziaI works Iike Max Euws "Meister against amatuer", and some other stuff, magazines, but it was aIways hobby. But If you see my rating deveIop for exampIe in rapid for the over Iast 3 years, that is how rating goes on Iichess up to and over 2000. The one thing to getit, the other to keep it ! And dont forget to fight as if it is your Iife, on the chessboard Good Iuck !
I suggest to take care of yourself, and maybe you'll once turn 130. 2000 's a while.

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