

If you see this on top of, you need to get a better browser, or to upgrade yours.

The reason for that is explained there: Scroll to "How to get a modern browser" for help.

For now you can discard the warning and keep using lichess. But soon, we will move to the new UI, and you will be required to use a modern browser.
As clearly stated in the blog post, it's not possible. There will be no option to keep using v1.
I don't want to maintain 2 incompatible versions of the website. So I made it clear: it's v2 for everyone.
@denislemouton The warning is based on feature detection, not browser detection. So if you see the warning banner on the Lichess homepage, your browser will not be supported. A future version of your browser might be.
I should have added that if you did not see that huge warning on lichess, then your browser is ready for the v2.
For me v2 lichess will work fine because that orange message does not appear,so i will continue using lichess. :)
It was the best chess website I've ever used, and I've been playing online since the `90s.

Goodbye lichess, it was great by I've never changed browsers for a specific website and I never will.

New browsers are great for people that are into that. But I would never make that choice by force.

OK, you don't care about it, it is only free so you aren't required to care. All true. But also true is that I'm a software developer and "I don't believe you" about the technical difficulties. Or rather, I know it isn't true that it is "too hard" to use internet standards, but also that somebody is such a great programmer that the site is better when they re-write to use the latest whatever. Especially when the stated purpose is mobile support. I mean, on my sites I don't reduce compatibility to support mobile; I increase compatibility. There are lots of people who know how to do it who would compete to help out, if there was some difficulty in doing it.

Your site, your choice, obviously.

It reminds me a lot of FICS and the sort of "it is free, so we don't have to listen or care" attitude. All true, but I don't play there anymore either. And I didn't regret leaving, it felt good to refuse to be treated that way.

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