
I don't understand Wikipedia's stalemate example

Hello! I know what is a stalemate situation but in Wikipedia there is a diagram about stalemate I do not understand. It's diagram 4 in simple examples. Link to article:

In diagram 4 it says "Black to move is in stalemate." Why can't the black just capture the queen with his pawn? Then the game would go on. After that black could try to promote his pawn.


The board orientation looks a little confusing, but take a look at the coordinates: 8 and 7 are at the top, and rank 7 is where black's pawn starts. So the pawn cannot capture the queen because it would have to move backwards, which it can't.
Thanks. I didn't even pay attention to coordinates. I assumed it would be portrayed from black's view since it's the one in stalemate.
@noname07090 Why? The last moves could be 1. Kc4-b5 Kb7-a8 2. Kb5-a6 stalemate. It's just innatural because black would rather capture the pawn in this case, but imagine this was a high-level bullet game, and before white managed to play 1. Kc4-b5, black pre-moved Kb7-a8. Pre-moving Kb7-a7 would be a big mistake, as white can trick black with a stunning move 1. a7-a8=B!! (1. a7-a8=N is also good, but makes the mate harder) Now if black would have premove Kb7-a7??, a7 square wouldn't be in check (unlike in the case of 1. a7-a8=Q?!), so the pre-move is legal and executed, and after that white can try to flag or checkmate black having two different-colored bishops.
Diagram 5 is legal.
You can think is impossible to achieve that position playing with the sole black king against white king, pawn and bishop. That's true. (The black king should go through b8 or b7 to arrive to a8 and that is illegal cause it was check).
But the last white move could be a capture: Bxf4. Then, it was possible for black having moved that piece before and the position can be achieved. (The black king was in a8 before the white pawn and king were in a7 and a6).
@PepeMaster Your point is also valid, but black king could have arrived from b7 as I pointed out above, because this square could become covered by the white king on their last move, causing the stalemate.

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