
[Personal Record] New Puzzle Rating 2300

After many years of doing puzzles (3000+ Puzzles on diff accounts) I've finally broken 2300 puzzle rating. I remember when I couldn't break 1600... When 2000 seemed impossible, when 2200 seemed impossible, and day by day I could see the board better if I just took my time and "Don't Move Until You See It" !!!

While I generally prefer the standard "Puzzle" ... I am so grateful Lichess added "Puzzle Dashboard" and "Thematic puzzles" so I can practice my weaknesses! Now if only I can get over my fear of playing actual players...!!!

To show thanks to Lichess for helping me improve, I made a donation <3
@DrBuzzworth Congratulations! Playing other people will help you improve, so go for it! It's not about ratings, it's about improving.
This is truly good news only if it's accompanied by an actual improvement in playing performance. After all, just look at my Puzzle rating graph to see how little real meaning it can have. :)
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