
Why is this game draw?

Final position occurs 3 times. There is a rule that states that if this happens, either player may claim a draw.
I don’t look at the game, the title is enough. In 90% of all cases:

The last position in move x, in x-2 moves and in x-4 moves is the same. Three times repetition, draw. Full stop.
It appeared once (move 44, we count „1“) and was repeated twice (move 46, 48, we count „2“, „3“).

... Then thou must count to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, ...
Also: "But the same series of moves-" doesn't matter. Same position three times. Has to be exactly the same, including castling rights and en passant possibilities.
#4 Lol, and also, in 100% cases when the title is "Why is this game win?", the thing is that a lone knight or a lone bishop can checkmate if an opponent have something.

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