
No Intelligent Discussion

Occasionally someone posts something insightful worth reading on the off-topic forum, though I have looked through it today and found no sign of intelligent lifeforms.
That's because I haven't been posting/commenting lately.

Instead of whining about a lack of intelligent posts, of which yours is no exception, why not try to post something intelligent yourself?
i was surprised yesterday about the amount of responses a thread i did got , it was initially about a national maximum wage but took in other subjects after ,
with loads of differing viewpoints but no online flamewar , the cure is right if blunt ,and there is a want here for intelligent threads
so i look forward to your thread that encourages it percipient
@The-Cure You're quite right, this was a flippant post, though I thought the issue needed to be pointed out, and I'm glad you seem to have found one of my earlier forum topics in which I tried to create meaningful discussion. I hope we can hear more of your thoughts and ideas as well.
I know this is kinda of topic but my crazy mind just made the initials NID for this topic -_-
It depends on the point of view.
Maybe, Wrestling is not intelligent.
But chess, yes, it is !
Although chess has something to do, with Wrestling.
You may wonder: How ?

And my answer is: " [ Censored ] ".

As always.
Otherwise, letting one thousand million chinese people write, for a Forum of Internet, would be such a heavy burden that...

Oh, my God ! Of course, chinese people are censored !
While african people are starving, all day long.
And Syria has " enjoyed " a 10 year long war.

Humanity is happy !
I hope people start making threads that invite actual discussion rather than just "favourite[whatever]".

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