
Feature Request for Teams!

As we all know when someone joins the team in which we are leader we get notified on the homepage of lichess..
I would love if it would also come that which person has left the team....
As an example today I had 45 members in my team but bow there are 44 members , so I wanted to know that who had left my team ....
I hope everyone will take this in a positive manner .,
Thank you )
Firstly i had posted it in the wrong section ,, am sorry for that but now am correcting my mistake so guys please have a look! And if you have made so far don't forget to leave a comment;)
I don’t have an answer for such a topic,so I’m assuming you will have to wait for answers or lichess to view it.
@NutshellExistingIvan the point of suggesting a feature isn’t for users to see it, but for it to be considered by the developers. If he wants this to be added then he wants the biggest chance for developers/mods/lichess team to see it.
I do think it makes sense for team management. The name can be deduced with manual work on text file on desktop machine, but when busy or many teams, in the wall of daily stimuli, those red badges come in handy. (they don,t have to be audible).

With huge teams it may become annoying for the leader, to have to turn down notifs just for that. Good luck.
Yeah it is a prob .
Therefore there should be option to enable and disable notifications!
I disable notifications in my browser, because I am susceptible to distractions like that (already have to deal with my internal pop-up engine). But I still get them from lichess page. I wish i could have the visual without the sound. but then each time i play, I don't hear that reminiscence of physical board, the toc sound is essential...

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