

Why is everyone on lichess trying to dirty flag the opponent in losign positions?
@Honeybadger123 said in #1:
> Why is everyone on lichess trying to dirty flag the opponent in losign positions?
Do you really think anyone is gonna look at the position "hmm I am 20 points materially down but he is gonna lose because of time I should resign and let him win"
If someone loses on time but is winning. its still a win. While good skill and chess is required, so is time management. If you flagged, thats your problem, as you were too slow. if someone dirty flagged you, deal with it and move on. Maybe get faster at moving so you dont flag as much. being fast is a good skill to have.

if you cant move faster, then play longer time controls
Why is everyone playing with a clock and complaining?
The people who complain about flagging in Chess are the same people who complain about people hitting them with balls in dodgeball.

Chess is the only game I know of where using a mechanic of the game to your advantage is considered “Bad sportsmanship”, “Cowardly”, “Not a part of the game”, etc.

All of these bullshit ideas about flagging really kills my faith in the Chess community, tbh.
There's a strange noise coming from my PC... its a weird it!!!

Its a 'whining' noise!

I lost several games by running out of time over the game when I was one move from mating my opponent.... did I whinge about it? No. It's part of the game. Grow up and stop complaining because you can't manage your time better or finish an opponent off when you are winning!!
That's the whole point of playing without an increment.

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