
Beating a 2000 with the Bongcloud

The Bongcloud opening (1.e4 e5 2.Ke2; in this case Black plays 1.e6 but the similarities should be glaring) is one of the most awful openings known to man, and playing it usually results in getting a nearly lost position within the first 10 moves. I played it against a relatively strong blitz player and, with a lot of luck of course, still managed to win a reasonably nice-looking albeit not too high quality game. I also played a second game with him where with Black I played 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Kd7 and managed to hold a draw there as well. Anyways, enjoy the funny and crazy chess ! :D

I have a very low oppinion of people who brag with their wins, espescially if they play these insulting openings
I'm sorry to hear that, Fred. On the contrast, I have a very high opinion of you. Many blessings to you, brother.
Funny you bring up the reported Fischer games, Nakamura also often plays the Bongcloud online, I've seen him even play it against strong GMs, like for example Robin van Kampen and do quite well.
As a sidenote, here is the other game against the same opponent where I played an absolutely horrible opening (and got a really bad position, I was pretty much lost in fact) but managed to escape with a draw.

in 2+3 blitz it can be beneficial to take the opponent out of known territory and force him to think of his own even if that means playing objectively weaker moves.

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