
Thoughts on this game?

In anyone elses opinion, what could I have done differently? And was I a bit too quick to accept the draw offer?
There was no need for 6...Ng5. 7...Nc6 is too early. You should've put the c pawn on c5 first before playing Nc6. 8...h6 is really not needed as well. Trading Queens only improved his pawn structure, and this is what you don't want to allow if it is not the only option. And as for the draw offer, my answer depends. If you were tired during the game or you were not feeling well, taking the draw was a reasonable choice.
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6...Ng5 makes no sense. Just grab the bishop's pair with 6...Nxg3.
Around move 15 you were practically winning, your opponent has so many weak pawns and his king is stuck on f2. A logical plan would be just castling and then targeting White's weak pawns and king position. But instead you exchanged queens and then there are no weaknesses for white and his king is also safe.
@tpr I thought about taking the bishop, but then I didn't want to him to 7.hxg3 to open up his rook

@Archer66 So what should I have done instead of exchanging queens?
6...Nxg3 7 hxg3 No need to fear the open h-file. The rook alone cannot harm you. Besides where is the white king going?

Trading your central queen e5 for his undeveloped queen d1 and in that process healing his pawn structure was not bright. Just ...O-O was enough to keep your advantage.
@TGBM95 instead of giving the pointless 15...Qf6+?!, you should just have castled and attacked his weak pawns and his king.

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