
practice - wrong notice

Checkmate the opponent
Use your queen to restrict the king, force it to the edge of the board and deliver checkmate. The queen can't do it alone, so use your king to help. Mate in 6 if played perfectly.

It is wrong! The queen CAN do it alone. It is rook can't do it alone, but queen CAN do it!
Please show me a position where the queen checkmates with the king on the other side of the board, thanks in advance.
The Queen can not put the checkmate herself. She can push the king against herself. Google translator translated into my language so: The Queen can not push the enemy king without the help of the king.
But that's google translate's fault, not lichess'.
It says the queen can't checkmate by herself.
On a side note, aren't there other translations for lichess? You can just set the language in the top right corner, no need for google translate.
EDIT: Oops, I guess practise isn't translated yet.
EDIT2: To check for that I switched to German. The "Submit" from editing a post is appearantly called "Anwenden" there. Sounds weird IMO. Any opinions on that?
I am ready to help translate texts into my language, but so far this is not possible. All that could be translated has already been translated.

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