
Alternate history...what if ...?


Insupportable concept...what if the non-exploded brains were all serial killers?=less people alive.
Well, you don’t know.What if the exploded brains were those of paramedics that was about to save someone’s life?
What if the exploded brains were the serial killers brains..then no need for the paramedics.
What if there were no serial killers at all?

Answer- There wouldn't be any of their brain in the first place.
Great question,actually.Ringo was not what you would call a great drummer...but he had charisma.
Best could drum,but was as dull as dishwater.
Ringo was ugly.
Saying that Marie Antoinette said " let them eat cake" is to misunderstand French culture, What she actually wanted to know was if they could not instead of plain bread eat brioche. The French revolution would have found another trigger point as would WW2 even if we had not ruined Germany after WW1
There is more to this history stuff than meets the eye
Ringo still is ugly...but so was CAN buy you love.

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