
Playing against Grunfeld (as white)

I'm having problems against Grunfeld defence. For eg, see this game:

Strategically, where did I go wrong in this game?

Can someone also recommend me an opening repertoire against Grunfeld, preferably with some attacking chances against the king?

move number 14: you moved Tac1 ... i think that is a mistake... maybe it was better Tad1.... so if the black eats your pawn to eat with the bishop ;-)
sorry not "to eat" but "you eat"... i'm not very good in english
11 e5 seems like the strategic mistake. The pawn centre is at its strongest with the pawns d4 and e4 shoulder to shoulder.
Also 7 Nf3 and 8 Bc4 do not go together well. If Bc4 then Nge2 to prevent ...Bg4, e.g. the classic game Spassky-Fischer, Siegen Olympiad 1970. If Nf3 then Be3. Example from the big boys
Playing into the mainline is not a practical choice. If you really want something attacking against a grünfeld i would switch 3.Nc3 with 3. f3. I believe it's theoretically more critical against the grünfeld, but you have to know a lot of theory to get there. Once you know that much though, you will enjoy the benefits.

Another way to play is to avoid playing d4 early by playing the moves Nf3 c4 Nc3 (positionally threatening e4) and if black tries d5 early you can play the "Aronian" variation which is very topical. Here is an example:
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. e3 Nxc3 6. bxc3 c5 7. h4 Bg7 8. h5 Nc6 9. Be2 (or Rh4). Check out the games Aronian played in the Sinquefield cup. I think he had many good ideas. I believe he had 3 games already in the past week.
6 Rb1 is also strong and leads to some poisoned pawn variation

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