
How should I play against the Vienna Gambit Setup as Black?

No black has lost 2 tempi, e7-e6-e5 loses only 1 tempo, so it must have been something silly like Nb8-c6-b8.
Queen's Gambit is far stronger than Vienna Gambit: in Queen's Gambit black cannot hold on to the pawn, in the Vienna Gambit he can with 3...exf4 and 4...g5. Also 3 f4 weakens the diagonal g1-a7. Vienna Gambit is playable of course - white can afford a lot - but it is not in the same league as Queen's Gambit in the sense that it is unlikely to show up in say a World Championship Match.
"No black has lost 2 tempi, e7-e6-e5 loses only 1 tempo, so it must have been something silly like Nb8-c6-b8."

No black has not lost anything, because this is a setup position not a game. Am I talking to a wall?

Yes you are right about holding on to the pawn and the diagonal to the king. I don't like holding on to the pawn, what else can I do in this opening?
Well it is incredibly confusing. Just write down the moves, that is much easier.
@OnlyBetterNoBlitz It most definitely is not: if you had said something like “if white plays e4 and black plays e5 and whites next moves are nc3 f4 nf3 which leads to the Vienna gambit what should my moves be to play against this?” It would have been much, much clearer
@OnlyBetterNoBlitz I disliked your post because you are being incredibly rude and condescending to @tpr even though he is the better chess player who you should show respect to because he is helping you.

Someone who is good at chess should be able to understand a simple question. Like what should I play against "..." I didn't say what should I play in this position. I think tpr just answers to many questions on here and turned into a robot that isn't really reading what others say anymore, which I think is rude. He should rather help less and answer in a more intelligent way.

"No black has lost 2 tempi, e7-e6-e5 loses only 1 tempo, so it must have been something silly like Nb8-c6-b8."

Phrases like this are just silly, as nobody would play that and nobody claimed that this would be a real position or a game.

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