
Which is your favorite solar System Moon?

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Callisto. There's just something about it that I love.
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Europa.... Icy surface and scientists think there might be tons of water underneath. It could've been a really good candidate for life if it wasn't so close to Jupiter. Jupiter tends to be really violent and hostile to other heavenly bodies :D
@Dukedog said in #2:
> Enceladus.Small but with a chance of life.
Why not Europa then?
Edit: Although, Enceladus has the awesome Saturn view in the sky, so honestly I kinda see your point.
@Yashas_God said in #17:
> I need logomaker for my team
> who can help me
> team name- Original site chess team
> join my team too
> logomakers will get our team tokens so why are tokens important. for this see our blogs
> Bye guys
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