
stupid and wrong rules

A self mate is possible if white has his king on h3 and his bishop on f3 and black has his bishop on g1 and king on h1
A continuation such as this one is possible, not the fastest possible mate but it proves the point.

Of course black has to play some pretty abhorrent moves, but it wouln't surprise me if you played them

8/3K2k1/8/8/1b5p/6pB/8/8 b - - 1 76
@SF-Civitar and others

Actually and ICC declare draw in such cases.
This would have been a win for black on lichess.

Quote: "you cannot win on time if you have only a King,
a King and knight, or a King and bishop. (In the very rare event that you
had a forced mate in such a position, you can ask an administrator to
fix the rating result after the game.)"

If you proudly point to the FIDE rules, please dont forget to mention that in OTB people can claim draw and that they successfully do all the time when opp tries winning it on time with just a knight or a bishop left.
If they do that the arbiter isn't worth his beans and it can be appealed successfully.
BTW, in the final position that you feel is clearly a win for black with enough time, if you take the exact same position with blacks king just one square off ,magnus carlsen couldn't get a win against me, a mediocre player, no matter how much time he had.
It is another stupid and wrong whining thread.

You lost on time. If you do not want to lose on time, then play faster or play with increment or play a slower time control.

The FIDE Law of Chess cited above apply to all games with up to 1 hour per player per game. Only in longer games can a player claim a draw with the arbiter.
There is increment in most OTB tournaments.

I have played in at least 60 rated OTB tournaments and none of them was without increment or announced those guidelines.
OP, it's an easy mate in 5 and you cannot prove anything because your time is over.

Case closed.

@tpr is right. Nuff said!

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