

As the title said, I sacrificed lots of things in this game.

I'm white.
P. S.: Actually it was a trap, and he totally fell for it.
That was a nice trap - a really nice trap. It had bait (easy piece to gobble up) and wasn't obvious (especially in a fast game). Beautiful execution - poetry in play.

I haven't seen it before, but it looks like something that I'll be researching now. I guess the downside is that white's not in good shape if black doesn't nibble at the bait.

Thank you for sharing.
This looks like a game played by Judit Polgar or something. How does a 1200 player play so well? I am confused.
I walked into this exact trap just 4 days ago (I have the Black pieces here):

it's very easy to avoid - in fact, I could have played 8. ... Ke7 to keep my queen (unlike in your game), since 6. ... e6 freed my e7 square, but i missed the threat altogether!
if black plays 3. ... e3, though not the #1 choice by the computer, it really rains on white's parade & nullifies the gambit early
There's something very similar in a line of the Budapest Gambit/Defence. Black is still doing well even if they don't fall into the trap, however.

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