
Watching Engines Play Humans?!


I prefer the positional beauty that only humans can produce.

The king walk and triangulation is impressive tactical calculation (well, for a human it would be impressive).

Usually positional development will lead to a tactical opportunity presenting itself (unless both players understand the position equally well). It is simply the collapsing of the position.

If you consider the collapsing of the position to be the essence of chess, then it is understandable to admire chess computers.

But that is like only admiring the knock out blow in boxing. Is the essence of boxing in the knock out? It is not.

The essence of chess is not in the collapsing of the position either.

Chess computers are unable to play positional chess and that is why their "chess" is ugly. Was that engine vs engine game pretty positional chess`? It was not, it was full of ugly moves.

But I'm willing to agree to disagree.

@OP Your brain is not a computer, nor is it really computer like. (See ) I would opine therefore that you don't have a hope of learning anything significant from computers.

@NoLuckOnlySkill Sure, computers are cold silicon processors with no soul, but nevertheless, some of their games can be amazing, and can almost trick you into thinking they have an actual strategy. While I agree with some of your points, your venom does make you sound a little bit like a polemicist. ;)

Please forgive my venom.

I love chess and it's hard to watch it defiled.

A parent doesn't calmly ask the pedophile to please stop raping their child.

Instead you need to stop it no matter what it takes. Then you can forgive the wrong that happened.

Right now, we live in a world where computer chess is not only approved, but endorsed and admired. So I'm in the stopping it part of the metaphor, and therefore perhaps overly emotional.
В шахматах выигрывает тот, кто избирает правильную ( Ну, не ошибочную же!) стратегию. А, кто играет - машина или человек - это безразлично.
@NoLuckOnlySkill you comments look ridiculous and immature.

> Computers don't actually play chess at all, they are just calculators.
Why do you believe that you are not just a calculator, slightly more complex one if you count the real world, but completely broken in terms of chess?

>Chess is not calculation, chess is about creative vision (chess computers do not have this quality, because only humans and God have the ability to create something).
Chess is a set of rules and a goal. If you achieved the goal, following the rules - you won. Mentioning God is even more fun. What kind of God? A Christian god, a Muslim god or all sort of god created by random people? What actually God has created? A chess a human or may be even a computer which is able to play chess. If so, may be this is his will. Or will you just say that the chess playing computer is the invention of devil?

>rape and disgrace creative games
just accept that computers can play chess significantly better. Also computers allowed these super-young GMs from not-so-chess countries to appear and computers significantly improved the theory of chess in the last 30 years.

>The game you linked is a perfect example of ugly chess by calculators.
Double standards... If you would have played such a game - you would be proud by your achievement, but because it was played by the means you disagrees with - you belittles the achivement

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