
A new tactic!

This will be my last attempt to invent an algerian thing in chess, after the new openings I tried, but I'm pretty sure it'll work now.

Here, Black can put the bishop on f3 and if it gets to be taken by the pawn, you can recapture and nice! It's a fork!

I know it ressembles the "defense by a tactic" but it's slightly different than that because that's an algerian guy like me who discovered that (just joking, I was watching Eric Rosen beating titled players with the Stafford gambit and I saw this when he was playing (he didn't use it).

there are some weaknesses I discovered with this method of defending, it's that you can add another attacker, removing the defender of the piece you're attacking (In this case, the knight can't move while defending the bishop, it's the property of the knight because when a knight moves, it changes rank, column and diagonal so if you attack the knight, the knight goes and you lose the bishop pair).
In your example, Nf3+ is stronger then Bf3, because it wins the Q by force
@EwoudUtrecht said in #3:
> In your example, Nf3+ is stronger then Bf3, because it wins the Q by force

How? 1. Nf3+, gxf3 2.Bxf3 and I do not see how you are winning that Queen.
1Nf3+ gf 2 Bxf3 threatens mate with Qg5# can only be stopped with Qe3, and then Bxe3
@EwoudUtrecht said in #5:
> 1Nf3+ gf 2 Bxf3 threatens mate with Qg5# can only be stopped with Qe3, and then Bxe3

Actually 2...d4 defends against 3. Qg5# and from there a forced mate does not exist as the attack is not fast enough.
@LinearStork said in #6:
> Actually 2...d4 defends against 3. Qg5# and from there a forced mate does not exist as the attack is not fast enough.

2.. d4 is met with 3. Qh5 threatening 4. Qg4# and 3.. h3 is met with 4. Qxh3 and 3.. Bf4 is met with 4. Qh3 and 5. Qg2# is unstoppable.
@KrithinJP said in #7:
> 2.. d4 is met with 3. Qh5 threatening 4. Qg4# and 3.. h3 is met with 4. Qxh3 and 3.. Bf4 is met with 4. Qh3 and 5. Qg2# is unstoppable.

Thank you for pointing this out! Completely missed that move! Not sure why I thought that square was not accessible by the Queen. haha
For those who are suggesting Nf3+, it was just an example I toke from a game, I'm sure that Nf3+ would be better but in another position, Bf3 would for example threaten mate if the queen is on the f file. That was just a tactic suggestion.

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