
Crazyhouse puzzle

this puzzle take me a lot of time to solve it from the position after 23Kf1even! 23..Rh1+ 24Kf2 @Be1+ 25 Ke2 Ncd4+ 26 exd4 Nxd4+ 27Kd1 Bf2 and mate
24Kg2 Rh2+ 25Kf1 @Bg2+ 26Kf2 Bxh3+ 27@g2 Rxg2+ 28Kf1 Rxd2+ and xg2 and mate
24Ke2 Ng1+! hard to see 25Kf2 Nxh3+ 26Kg2 or 26Ke2 @Bf3+ and mate 25 Kd1? @Bf3+ and mate 25Kf1 Nxh3+ and mate
25Ke1 Nxh3+ 26@Rf1 @Bf2+ 27Kd1 Rxf1+ and mate 27Ke2 Ncd4+ and mate 26Nf1 @Bf2+ 27Ke2 Ncd4+ 28 exd4 Nxd4+ 29Kd1 Rxf1 and mate
You're not kidding, Stockfish takes over 3 minutes to solve this one!
setoption name UCI_Variant value crazyhouse
setoption name Threads value 4
position fen r5k1/pppqbrp1/2n3Bp/3p1n1p/4p3/1PN1P2B/P1PP2PP/R1B2RK1[NPq] b - - 33 17
go infinite
info depth 22 seldepth 38 multipv 1 score mate 15 nodes 527039139 nps 2774941 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 189928 pv Q@h1 g1h1 f5g3 h2g3 f7f1 N@g1 d7h3 g2h3 f1g1 h1g1 N@f3 g1f1 R@h1 f1f2 B@e1 f2e2 f3d4 e3d4 c6d4 e2e3 d4c2 e3f4 e7d6 Q@e5 h1f1 P@f2 f1f2 R@f3 f2f3

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