
Mouse ultrabullet tips?

1. Turn of mouse pointer precision and set your mouse to a flat profile instead of adaptive.
2. Warm up against stockfish level 1 in UB in positions such as these ( Move your rook on h8 to h1 to a1 back to h1 and then to h8. Repeat as many times as possible. You may also create your own position to practice movements of different pieces (especially the knight).
@CreativeThinking said in #12:
> 1. Turn of mouse pointer precision and set your mouse to a flat profile instead of adaptive.
> 2. Warm up against stockfish level 1 in UB in positions such as these ( Move your rook on h8 to h1 to a1 back to h1 and then to h8. Repeat as many times as possible. You may also create your own position to practice movements of different pieces (especially the knight).
you cant do from position ultra :(
train your mouse skills from ttps:// and if u have a potato mouse buy a new mouse and train 1 hour daily

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