
2600 Puzzle Rating

@BossOfBosses , I understand that some puzzles are too confusing. In this puzzle, I am seeing winning white kt by three ways
1. Rb3+ then Rbxf3
2. Rb3+ then Rfxf3
3. Re7+ then Ref7 ( pin the kt ).

All we can do is search the moves as deep as possible until we are confident enough to stop searching. Sometimes we have to search 2-3 moves deep, sometimes 7-8 moves deep and beyond. .

I have to guess any three of above lines( 33% chance of winning only). If we have to guess it, guess it. How good your puzzle rating depends on how similar you can search like stockfish. :)
Ikr @drmrboss there are so many puzzles which have alternate answers, and when I do that, it says failed “please try again”. Guessworks in puzzles, very difficult!
You already said that 3 days ago...who cares ?
Puzzles give sources anyway. Although we still dont have evidence.
Our friend Lionel has violated comment
I really don't know why lichess is so lenient with trolls. One can spot them kilometers away yet let them troll endlessly in the forum making senior members angry.

Well, one tried anti-authoritarian education 50 years ago - and failed miserably. Do you think people have changed?
Just remember, it's gonna be sorta obvious if you're cheating on puzzles.( Puzzles are the only thing on lichess that won't get you flagged if you cheat)

BTW, if you cheat, the only person that you're harming is yourself. You're only cheating yourself.

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