
Lichess is so laggy

I was playing tournament where I resigned a game after I came back to the tournament it was still saying that you are playing a game but I was in pause and past and from when the tournament has started it is saying lichess will restart but it is not restarting
Please fix the bug
About two hours ago there were several consecutive Lichess server restarts because of DB updates. Maybe your problem had to do with it.
The time it takes to process a move on Lichess. It's the same for everybody, and only depends on the Lichess load. The more players and the higher it gets, but Lichess developers do their best to keep it low. It rarely exceeds 10ms. The time it takes to send a move from your computer to Lichess server, and get the response back. It's specific to your distance to Lichess (France), and to the quality of your Internet connection. Lichess developers cannot fix your wifi or make light go faster. You can check here to see -->
@Satvikpattanaik said in #1:
> I was playing tournament where I resigned a game after I came back to the tournament it was still saying that you are playing a game but I was in pause and past and from when the tournament has started it is saying lichess will restart but it is not restarting
> Please fix the bug

Dude it's your net. Lichess has never had more than 2ms lag this month
@SuperHarsheel said in #7:
> Dude it's your net. Lichess has never had more than 2ms lag this month
I have only seen 1ms so it is obv the internet.

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