
Puzzles on mobile, small bug

I use the tactics a lot on lichess, and i notice there is a slight bug when using the mobile app.

I'm not sure about this, but my understanding is that the mobile app caches something like 30 or 50 puzzles. When i start doing tactics on my phone, i oftn find i repeat a lot of puzzles which i have already attempted, normally in the same order that i played them before. This isn't the bug i am referring to however (just thought i might mention this as it is a bit annoying to redo the same puzzles all the time).

The bug i have is with the rating in app. If i am repeating a puzzle in this way, the rating never changes (it doesn't register a completed puzzle at all actually). If i leave the tactics and check my profile (in app), then my puzzle rating is also unchanged. However, if i log into my profile on my laptop, i see that the results of my attempts appear in my activity log (wins/losses and rating adjustment display correctly here). My training rating does not change though, so i have the old rating on the left, plus a new rating displaying in my activity.

This failure only seems to happen when repeating cached puzzles though, so it seems it is related to that in some way.

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