
Bobby Fischer died at the age of 64, coincidence ?

@marlsensbudcreame. True. But that is idiotic. People should be proud of their fellow lichess member for asking instead of wondering. Not angry or annoyed.
It's the first thing I thought the moment I heard he died at 64, the awareness of coincidence and all.
"Oh yeah, let me just die when I am sixty-four because that's how many squares are on the board of my favorite board game."
Makes sense.
It's not a coincidence at all.
2^6=64 2^SIX=SIXty four
2+4=6 2+4=SIX

2^SIX=SIXty four - SIX SIX
2+4=SIX - SIX



As soon as you understand about the New World Order, NWO, Free Masons, Vanderbilts, Skull and Crossbones , black helicopters, FEMA, "concentration camps you will understand the meaning of this.
F 6
I 9
S 19
H 8
E 5
R 18


He died at 65 if you use natural numbers
the sum of his surname and at 64 if you
use real numbers, the squares of the chess

Have fun.

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