
wrong puzzle streak puzzle?

The computer didn't hang the piece, the player playing black did.
Puzzles in Lichess are from actual games on Lichess, not from computers.

Edit: wait i'm wrong
The puzzles are only evaluated at like depth 20, so the computer can make small inaccuracies. The computer thinks both moves are crushing but as a human, Kf5 leads to a more complicated game, so that's what we would probably play.
the computer hung the piece more early than needed.

im talking about the 2nd move after Qe8+

Kh7 ~ +6 eval
Kf5 ~ +4 eval

at depth 25. this wont change if you let it run longer as hanging the queen alot faster can never be the better solution.
so i was wondering if they artificially dumbed down some of those streak puzzles or if this is actually some kind of bug.
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@InkyDarkBird said in #2:
> The computer didn't hang the piece, the player playing black did.
> Puzzles in Lichess are from actual games on Lichess, not from computers.

thats true for the starting positions only. most tactics havent been found in game and multi-move puzzles follow the ideal (or very close to ideal) computer lines. sorry if i was unclear about the move, added a little SAN now to be clearer. didnt expect it to be necessary for 2 moves.

edit: as you can see in the game the opponent chose to go down, which is the line losing slower.

@DragonTiM said in #3:
> вы что не русские

no, im from germany.
Maybe the computer wants you to learn to take every opportunity that you can.
Puzzles don't have one move they have a series of moves. Logically you can't criticize a puzzle by listing a move without including a desired reply to that move.

Clearly Kf5 can't be part of a puzzle because there is not a single winning reply. There's over a dozen winning replies many of them virtually identical.
doesnt it make more sense to not have puzzles like those then?

if you miss Kf5 and dont know what to do after it you dont exactly learn alot from this puzzle other than bad manners like handwaving and spamming checks (in which case the puzzle makes you worse and doesnt help you improving). if that line is too hard for a 1k puzzle, just deleting it would be best as there are enough better ones. it may also be very frustrating calculating Kf5 forever at the beginning of a puzzle storm (not sure if they share the same pool).

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