
No respect for poeple like this.

With all due respect Monsieur, a mouseslip is a mouseslip, it happens all the time, and you are the one who has to take responsibility. It is your opponent's choice to accept a takeback, or to not. Declining a takeback is in no way rude. People mouseslip all the time, but mouseslips shouldn't ruin your online chess experience. Yes I do accept takebacks IF AND ONLY IF it is a clear mouseslip, but that does not mean that people must accept or else they are rude.
i dont want to start again, but here we go. being rude is not executing common courtesy
OMg sorry iwas trying to be nice in my last post but you have pushed it too far. Are you kidding me! LOL that statement is hilarious. Do you understand what "common courtesy is"? So if giving a takeback is common courtesy, how come FIDE rules don't allow you to be like "oops i dropped my queen, now you better give me a takeback or else you are rude"?
do you seriously think that you will missclick or whatever in a gm tournament? A), they have so much time that will almost never happen, and B) there is something called not allowed. here, you have to option to be nice. take it
@soccerfreak1213 GMs are not the only people allowed to play OTB tournaments, 1000s play OTB FIDE tournaments, and many of them do blunder their queen, even if its not their intention.
In the end it's all fun. Don't make a matter just too serious what should bring you and other People fun. “Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.”

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