
Ultra Marathon

I'm definitely in favor of a ultra marathon, had a ton of fun playing ultra in fvwc yesterday and a ultra marathon can be really fun plus as it was already said before there are already lots of blitz marathons and in ultra there are not even weekly monthly or yearly tournaments
(hyperbullet marathon would be fun too)
@youarecheckmate even though you may not have cheated, they might not take the tag off since you were using 2 people on the same account, but you can definitely apologize and they might give you a second chance :) Good luck on your endeavors!

Also, it seems like this forum has gotten a bit off track...
yea FischyVishy even sponsored a Three Checks Marathon! We don't need prize money, we just want an ultra marathon!
@youarecheckmate you have cheated kid, and not knowing that it is not allowed sounds, like words from 3 year old child... oh I didn't know it is not allowed to steal food from store, where is it written, right? :) lol you should tell your "titled" trainer to explain you what is "fair play", oh sorry I forgot he doesn't know what is allowed and what isn't in a gentlemen game... pathetic lol...
You should play yourself, and after game identify your mistakes, analyse it with whatever resources you want (stock, modo, trainer), and then play again by yourself trying not to do same mistakes... if You do this I guarantee Lichess will never ban you again, but... can you do this, can you take an online loss like a man lol lmfao... ;)
Has a study been conducted on the long term effects to the brain (not to mention the wrist) after a 24 hr. hyper-bullet marathon and so many 1000's of games?

Just saying ... ;-)
Ah, yes. I see. The severity of any damage will be reduced to acceptable levels.

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