
Question relative to the position advantage (elo under 1500)

Hi everyone,
I'm not sure about some of my move and whether my position is better. (Would be about the position at the 8th movement and position at the 10th movement, who got the advantage ?)
Could you give me some advice please ? :) Would be really useful.
Thanks in advance to everyone reading and helping a poor chess player !

NB : I totally miss the 15th and 16th movement, you can all blame me about that one.

You are a queen and a rook up...
Let me give you some suggestions.

In Black's move 3, you are in a position very similar to the Damian Defense, which is won for the White. The best bid at this position is the thematic knight sacrifice, Nxe5 !!, fxe5, Qh5 +. Search for that opening and you'll understand why this move is winning.

6. Nd5 is a waste of time. Possibly to change the queens, eliminating the castle of the black followed by Be3 and 0-0-0, and the white ones will have the better development.

9. Bxe6?? it was a blunder. You left to win a piece with the intermediate Qxd8, Rxd8 and only after that play Bxe6.

10. Qxg8, another error. A concept in chess is you do not exchange a good piece of yours for a bad opponent. In case your bishop is putting a lot of pressure on the black king, because he is very close to him and may have checkmate themes with the queen, and you have thrown away by trading for your opponent's knight that has not even been developed yet.

I did not see the match until the end, because after winning the queen of the opponent you won.

But think of these moves and concepts I told you about, they can serve you in the future.

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