
Best passers

What are the best 2 or 3 for creating passers? Could you share common mistakes by u1400 players in this aspect?
If the game in question is this one; simply don't drop all your pawns

Question ... hard ... get ...

If you want to know openings that produce a passed pawn, here's just some famous examples:
Paris Opening, Larsen's Opening, English Opening, Modern Defense, Dutch Defense, Owen's Defense, Center Counter Defense, Pirc Defense, Caro-Kann Defense, Sicilian Defense, French Defense, Center Game, Danish Gambit, Vienna Game, King's Gambit, Scotch Gambit, Two Knights Defense, Ruy Lopez, Albin's Counter Gambit, Slav Defense, QGA, Tarrasch Defense
Ragozin Defense, Semi-Slav Defense, Queen's Gambit, Queen's Indian Defense, Old Indian Defense

The most famous which you promote to a queen in the opening is a variation in the Semi-Slav. And the Lasker Trap in the Albin's Counter Gambit is known for promoting to a knight to win the game.
@jonesmh I will study these carefully thank you. I remember watching Anand smoothly promote a pawn for a win against Carlsen in their first WC match.

My question should have been more detailed. Recently I am working on placing the rooks behind pawns and then pushing the pawns. I have not yet consulted reference materials on it but thought I would post here. In your view, are particular pawns more favorable all the time for being passers (and queening) or should I place the weight of selecting possible passers according to which opening I use? Thanks again.
First, you don't play an opening to create a passed pawn. Even if there are lines that create passed pawn your opponent can side step them and the goal of the opening is never the passed pawn anyway.
Second , it doesn't matter in which file the passed pawn is. What matters is where are you pieces and where are your opponent's pieces.If your pieces are well positioned to support a c-pawn then the c-pawn is a good passed pawn. If your pieces are well placed to support a d-pawn then the d-pawn is a good passed pawn . Then again if your opponent has an attack on your king , any passed pawn might not be good enough to save you. You don't decide which passed pawn you want during the opening , you decide that when you have the chance to create the passed pawn.You evaluate the positions of the pieces and the strategic elements , you calculate and you decide if your passed pawn will be strong or not.

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