
9.Nbd2 Gambit in French Advance (for black)

Hi- there's this annoying gambit I'm facing occasionally in the French Advance, slightly different from the Milner-Barry Gambit, and it seems to give white a lot of compensation and I'm having trouble finding anything close to a refutation. Do you guys have any suggestions for black? Here's basically what the gambit is like: I probably missed some moves and variations cause I just threw that chapter together for this

Thanks and Happy Checkmating
9...Bc5 seems excellent for black.
Letting the knight take on d4 is much different than capturing their knight on f3.

9 ... Nxf3 (Stockfish recommends)
This allows them to capture with their knight on d2, which was not as active as before and obstructed the dark-squared bishop from developing, because of this, white now has their dark-squared bishop ready to develop and shooting down toward the kingside and their knight on the third rank hitting e5 and d4.

9 ... Bc5 (I agree with tpr)
The better move in our opinion, The same thing could occur, however, if the knight takes your knight on d4, you have at least got your dark-squared bishop active hitting d4 and your knight may go to e7, hit e5, also g6, f5, and c6 are potential squares the knight could go to help your army.

9 ... Ne7 (I dislike this move)
Sure it develops your knight to e7, but, it obstructs your dark-squared bishop and then it allows white to take your knight on d4! 10 Nxd4 after your queen will recapture and it will be chased around most likely, continuing possibly with 10 ... Qxd4 11 Nf3 Qa4 12 b3 Qa5 13 Bd2 Qb6.

These are all good moves at the end of the day, and this was just my opinion. They all do lead to an even position for both sides.

Those are just my two cents on the matter at hand. Take it or leave it! I hope it helps you or others here! Have a wonderful day!

~ Gadolinium
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