

George Gao, director-general of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, this week said the 'big mistake' in the US and Europe was that 'people aren't wearing masks'.
He told Science magazine: 'This virus is transmitted by droplets and close contact. Droplets play a very important role – you've got to wear a mask, because when you speak, there are always droplets coming out of your mouth.
'Many people have asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic infections. If they are wearing face masks, it can prevent droplets that carry the virus from escaping and infecting others.'
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) - which has taken the same stance as PHE on masks - is now reportedly considering switching its stance and recommending they should be worn.
The agency initially told Americans they didn't need to wear masks and that anything other than a high-grade N95 medical mask would do little to prevent infection any way.
But experts are now increasingly leaning toward the notion that some form of protection is better than nothing as the crisis spirals out of control.
Quarantine is a good idea. It isn't something to laugh at. The only way to actually beat this virus is to stop it's spread. To do this we have to halt human interaction for a period of time. Without a quarantine, that won't happen. @Kusokosla What is your alternative to quarantining if you think it is so funny?
Imagine if the US was following @Kusokosla's wacky advice. Even with strict measures, they're still having more new cases each day, than all previous days from March 22nd. His zany, wacky advice would be killing hundreds of thousands. They should vote him in?

22nd - New cases: 9400 - Total: 33592 - Deaths: 414
23rd - New cases: 10189 - Total: 43781 - Deaths: 555
24th - New cases: 11075 - Total: 54856 - Deaths: 780
25th - New cases: 13355 - Total: 68211 - Deaths: 1027
26th - New cases: 17224 - Total: 85435 - Deaths: 1295
27th - New cases: 18691 - Total: 104126 - Deaths: 1695
28th - New cases: 19452 - Total: 123578 - Deaths: 2220
29th - New cases: 19913 - Total: 143491 - Deaths: 2583
30th - New cases: 20297 - Total: 163788 - Deaths: 3141
31st - New cases: 24742 - Total: 188530 - Deaths: 4053

1’000’000’000 people die every year from just eating too much. 100’000 die from HIV thou there is treatment for that, more people died from Aspirin than from Corona so far. 20’000 die from being treated in a wrong way by mistake in the hospital every year.

You see, they say every day 1700 people die in Italy from Corona, but what they don’t tell you is that SAME NUMBER OF PEOPLE died in Italy BEFORE Corona, just from something else. You have to grasp that old and weak people die, if Corona doesn’t get them, flu will, or age will, or being fat will. Think about H1N1 in 2009, 60’000’000 Americans got it, and 12’000 died, nobody wore a mask, nobody closed stores and schools. Every year 60’000 people die from flu in US alone, 150’000 people die every DAY around the world, all this is not an excuse to take people’s jobs and businesses away.

Did you want to fix some of your numbers?

Also you've made that same argument like 10 times already, and people have countered it without a response from you over and over... So I'm not going to respond again to that.

Quarantine? And how do your suppose people pay for food and rent? Most people have to work so they can feed themselves.

Quarantine in limited sense (meaning quarantine the sick and the weak, NOT the healthy that must continue to run the society) only makes sense in a case of a strain of something like Ebola strain with 90% mortality that doesn’t respond to vaccine (that finally was developed last year after 40 years)

But with a virus like Corona this is the wrong approach, Corona has been here for years, half of you had it already, and if you test yourself now you will probably come back positive. Those of you who don’t or didn’t have it WERE EXPOSED TO IT but didn’t get sick, but you had it, you have to understand that you can NOT stop things like flu from spreading. This stuff spreads too easily. You must make your immune system strong, find drugs that work, isolate the weak and the sick and get back to life!

@Kusokosla You're now claiming that the (novel strain of coronavirus) COVID-19 has been around for years? Also why do you keep making this ridiculous claim that 'if you test yourself now you will probably come back positive'. Australia has done over 250000 tests with only 4860 cases coming back positive.

Coronavirus has been around for years but not this coronavirus. Kusokosla is right about some things but astoundingly wrong about others. The trick is knowing which is which. And sometimes it's not really even much of a trick.

I think only about 10% of the people in the U.S. who are tested for this coronavirus test positive.
edit: (12% nationwide as of March 21. Probably higher now but the point is made)
"Coronavirus has been around for years but not this coronavirus."

@Crapablanca64 You'll see that that I'm aware of this, hence the phrasing: "You're now claiming that the (novel strain of coronavirus) COVID-19 has been around for years?" - notice I say 'novel strain *of* coronavirus' and mention the strain. Basically his entire paragraph is irrelevant, given that this is a novel strain.

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