
Hi guys, I want to climb to 1500 rating (On this website) over the next year

Tactics and endgame practice, my man. Also, pls check out the team called

The Classical Music Appreciation Club

Please do we need support. Also we have cookies bro
I started at somewhere in the 1300's in the start of this year. By solving sooo many tactics every day and playing at least five classical games a day, I have managed to push my Lichess classical rating to around 1600. I also read a great book called Jeremy Sillman's "Amateurs mind". I highly recommend reading that also. Also Youtube is full of amazing chess lessons, my favourite channel to watch is St Louis chess club. I have a lot of free time at the moment and I understand not everyone is able to dedicate many hours every day to studying chess. Even if that's the case, just practise at your own pace, you'll get the same results but slower!
For those that don't know.

YGNR is a well known troll on chesscom.

She always does stuff like this and insults others personally.

Please don't bother!
@Sarg0n It wouldn't mean anything with no games behind it tho, how can I get to that skill level, right now I hover between 1300 and 1400 pretty mcuh
@irvinechesstrainer Okay thank you for the recommendation, any advice on how to go about them and learn the most from the exercise?

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