
How can people say Magnus is stronger than Hikaru?

Multiple world champion Carlsen has played hundreds of memorable games whereas Hikaru is playing Puzzle Rush... wow, I‘m impressed.

Nakamura is 10th in the live rankings and over 100 points below carlsen. You dont need someone to tell you when the evidence is right there in front of you. Caruana, Ding and others are stronger than him too.
Magnus' score against Hikaru in classical chess is something like 10 more wins than him, I think that says enough.
How did Hikaru do against Magnus in the World Championship Match?

oh, right...Hikaru wasn't even good enough to be at the table.

you and Hikaru need to worry less about being better than Magnus and more about being better than Caruana and a handful of other players first. dont even bring up the subject until if/when he wins the Candidates.
I dont understand why people love Nakamura so much.
He is the 10 player in the world but by popularity is number 1 :)
Someday people say that Eric Hansen is better then Carlsen lol
#8 Hikaru is the poster boy for, they hype him up because it makes them money. While he is an amazing player he is not on the same level as carlsen. To give some perspective, carlsen has been above hikarus highest ever rating for 8 years and shows no sign of stopping.

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