
who has soffered bulling

I used to be bullied in school, and I almost never got to play soccer in my school cuz I was always sitting out. Same with basketball. Also, when I play video games, my "friends" always kicked me out.
1. Treat others as you would treat yourself.
2. (if possible) talk about how jokes/comments affect you/others. (Listen and learn, jokes can be funny, but are everyone laughing?, Or are we laughing at others expense?)
3. Exercise, this maybe the most important, you don't have to be the fastest, smartest or strongest, don't compare yourself to others, but keep exercising. (Do this for yourself)
Not only does it keep you in good physical health, but it also makes your mental state stronger, and thereby, you can deal with bullies more calmly.
Look at the successful people in the world... They ain't fat or slow, they work hard.
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