
Puzzles like this confuse me

The last move Nb6 with the intention to trade off the bishop for the knight. I played Bg2. After playing it through stockfish I think the idea is to stop the bishop going to f5 where it causes problems - but seriously - who can see that many moves ahead?
Where else do you want to go with that displaced knight? The alternative is b3, Re1, Nb2-d1-f2-h3-f4 – it is obvious that you dont have the time for that. Also, Bf1-g2 leaves c4 unprotected.

After winning the exchange it is about going into the endgame, Nb6 is a first step in that direction and you exchange a bad piece against a good one. In Kings Indian structures like this one it is nearly always a good idea to exchange a knight against a bishop c8.
Interesting @impruuve I never thought about the placement of the knight. Trading off a bad piece for a good piece makes a lot of sense now. Also explains why I am still rated 1700 in puzzles. Thanks for the help.
the puzzle is fine, since Nb6 is clearly best. besides trading a bad piece for a good one, the e4-pawn becomes very weak

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